Date: 19/05/24
United Kingdom

Sunday, 22:00

I Love Your Work (I Love Your Work), Drama, Mystery, USA, 2003

I Love Your Work (I Love Your Work), Drama, Mystery, USA, 2003

I Love Your Work

featurefilm, mystery, drama

Gray Evans (Ribisi) and Mia Lang (Franka Potente) are a hot young acting couple whose marriage is already heading south after just a year. They make glamorous entrances at openings, get wasted behind VIP ropes at parties where they can hang with Elvis Costello (for real) and sit around reading their fan mail, all things guaranteed to generate quick viewer sympathy and identification. But the true measure of Gray's intense narcissism is his conviction that he's being celebrity stalked. Now, this could all be a fantasy, as could a film he may or may not have made on the subject. But his fixation is enormous enough that, not only does he imagine his own death, but he himself begins stalking, after a fashion, a videostore clerk (Joshua Jackson) whose wife (Marisa Coughlan) and life he sees as far happier than his own. Gray also fantasizes about a conventional life with a nice former girl friend (Ricci).