FilmBox ArtHouse

FilmBox ArtHouse

FilmBox Arthouse WORLD CINEMA CLASSICS AND THE BEST OF CONTEMPORARY ARTHOUSE FilmBox Art House features works from the world's most prominent directors, including Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Fellini and many others. Every month FilmBox Art House also airs special presentations devoted to a particular creative movement (German Expressionism, New Romanian Cinema) or individual filmmakers (The Surreal Art of Salvadore Dali, Rossellini’s War Trilogy, etc.) In addition to classic movies viewers may enjoy films presented at the most important film festivals including Cannes, Toronto, Venice, Berlin, Locarno, Sundance, Karlovy Vary and Tokyo

United Kingdom

TV guide - Saturday, 18/05/24

Behave Yourself (Behave Yourself!), Comedy, Drama, Crime, USA, 1951
When a cute Welsh terrier follows Bill Denny home, little does he know that all gangland has its eye on that dog.
Tahrib (Tahrib), Drama, Spain, 2018
A young Moroccan must transport a group of illegal immigrants on a dinghy across the Strait of Gibraltar.
Day (Rives), Drama, France, 2011
Armel Hostiou's haunting study of urban alienation follows three characters—a woman, a man, and a child—over the period of a single day in Paris. They don't know each other and they won't cross paths, but they share an insidious feeling of confinement. Because of an external event, each of them will leave their environment and undergo an experience that confronts them with the uncomfortable and dangerous dimensions of their shared urban space. Through its patient observation of the quotidian, of the passage of time from morning to night, Day reacquaints us with the strangeness of everyday life.
The Proud Rebel (The Proud Rebel), Western, USA, 1958
A Confederate veteran living in the Yankee North struggles with his son's shock induced muteness and the hate of the Northerners.
The Painted Hills (The Painted Hills), Family, Western, USA, 1951
An intrepid dog comes to the rescue when a boy's life is put at risk by the greed inflamed by a gold strike.
The Passionate Plumber (The Passionate Plumber), Comedy, USA, 1932
To make her lover jealous, a beautiful socialite passes off a bumbling plumber as her paramour.
Program break
An Argument for Old Age (Omsch), Biography, Austria, 2013
'If you drink this juice, you'll make it to a hundred' says the young man to his old neighbor, who replies: 'I got to a hundred without this juice, didn't I?' Humor and wit form the basis of a friendship that bridges a huge age difference and allows the centenarian to resume: 'For me the best part of life is being old'. A travelling artist, painter and filmmaker has a centenarian neighbour. The relationship between this man in his forties and the solitary old lady with a wicked sense of humour gradually becomes a kind of elective kinship. Their discussions, interrupted and picked up again over the years, form the fabric of this personal, tender and surprising film. A calm observation on the inescapable power of the passage of time.
Father's Little Dividend (Father's Little Dividend), Comedy, Romance, USA, 1951
Father of the bride faces becoming a grandfather.
Iron Island (Jazireh ahani), Drama, Iranas, 2005
Some poor people in the Southern coasts of Iran do not have any place to live, and thus, they reside on an old, abandoned ship in the sea. Captain Nemat, their chief, tries to persuade the ship-owner and the official authorities not to get the ship back. On the other hand, he is selling the iron parts of the ship piece by piece. "Iron Island" is the story of those whose ignorance makes them simply trust those who are always ready to abuse their trust.
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (The Strange Love of Martha Ivers), Drama, Romance, USA, 1946
Ruthless woman has her dark past of a concealed murder return.
The Wedding (La boda), Drama, Spain, 2012
Mirta is from Cuba and she lives in Madrid. Like many other inmigrants she works cleaning. Today at 6 pm, her daughter gets married. But nothing goes as she planned. To arrive at that wedding will be more difficult than expected.
The Outsider (L'estraneo), Drama, Romance, Italy, 2018
Milano, nowadays. Cristian is a 30's employed at an agency as graphic-designer until short time ago, who has decided to quit due to his creative uneasiness and various intolerances, and who is now trying to look for his own way. Just this is the problem: he's living such a moment considered by most as a limbo, when he doesn't know neither how to make a choice nor what might he expect for the future. Steady and still in such a precariousness, Cristian lives day by day on a shoestring, he meets some friends attending the usual bar, drinking and philosophizing into the night: Willy, a dandy old comrade, joke always ready, who's lifestyle is hearted; Sergio, an actor, a bit frustrated but highly cultured and a good close friend. In the middle of this suspended situation Cristian falls in love with Greta, a girl speaking with Spanish accent, a little bit younger than him, who spreads a light and enthusiasm quite different from Cristian's. He lives his love affairs, but, as often happens, "love is not enough", and soon Christian himself calls into question his whole life and people belonging to it, in order to find serenity.
Badge of Honor (Badge of Honor), Drama, Crime, Thriller, USA, 2015
Intersecting lives converge in a whirlwind of crime and deceit. When narcotics Detective David Myles risks everything to cover up the murder of an innocent teen, the investigation that ensues threatens to bring down the entire department. Internal affairs agent Jessica Pierson is caught in a life threatening game of cat and mouse as she gets closer and closer to revealing David for the dirty cop that he is but David will stop at nothing to stop her. No one is safe, no one will be spared... Because no one is innocent.
Shoulder Arms (Shoulder Arms), Comedy, War, USA, 1918
Charlie is in boot camp in the "awkward squad." Once in France he gets no letters from home. He finally gets a package containing limburger cheese which requires a gas mask and which he throws over into the German trench. He goes "over the top" and captures thirteen Germans ("I surrounded them"), then volunteers to wander through the German lines disguised as a tree trunk. With the help of a French girl he captures the Kaiser and the Crown Prince and is given a statue and victory parade in New York and then ... fellow soldiers wake him from his dream.
Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (Beneath the 12-Mile Reef), Adventure, Drama, USA, 1953
Fierce competition among sponge fishermen forces a Greek-American family to fish in the dangerous 12-mile reef area off the western coast of Florida.
Charade (Charade), Comedy, Mystery, Thriller, Romance, Action, USA, 1963
Romance and suspense ensue in Paris as a woman is pursued by several men who want a fortune her murdered husband had stolen. Who can she trust?
The Chase (The Chase), Crime, Thriller, USA, 1946
Chuck Scott gets a job as chauffeur to tough guy Eddie Roman; but Chuck's involvement with Eddie's fearful wife becomes a nightmare.
Dingi (Dingi), Biography, Germany, Bangladešas, 2012
Homeless children take revenge on mean boatmen, who try to scare them away
Baba (Kozje usi), Comedy, Drama, Slovėnija, Serbija, 2017
An weird but witty old woman is forced to deal with an ambiguous future after her country, family and the entire system of values are ruined. She is trying to solve her existential problems catching d trying to sell a rewarded war criminal as he was a rabbit in a wood. The only thing she did not know if he is really him.
Abilene Town (Abilene Town), Romance, Western, USA, 1946
A sheriff tries to stop homesteader conflicts in the West after the Civil War.

TV guide - Sunday, 19/05/24

The Admiral Was a Lady (The Admiral Was a Lady), Comedy, Romance, USA, 1950
Ex-WAVE encounters four fun-loving, work-hating men, all of whom want to marry her.
Indian (Indian), Drama, France, Vengrija, 2016
Dreaming about the Wild West in the 1970s in Eastern Europe is not enough…
Inale (Inale), Drama, Musical, Nigerija, 2010
Inale is the beautiful daughter of the great King Oche, of the Idoma people in Idomaland, Nigeria. Her beloved Odeh must win the wrestling tournament to win her hand in marriage. A stranger appears, that challenges not only the tradition of the village but the strength of Odeh and Inale's true love.
Abiura (Abiura), Drama, Italy, 2018
Fofo, a humble and honest retired worker, loads strange people into his old van to accompany them to the polling station.
Mother (Okaasan), Drama, Japan, 1952
A teenaged girl witnesses her widowed mother's attempt to sustain her family.
30 Years and an Ocean in Between (30 anys i un oceà pel mig), Comedy, Spain, 2020
Jaume, who was once a passionate young man, has become a disillusioned middle-aged man who has lost his desire to write and can't remember the last time he fell in love. On another boring summer day in Barcelona, he receives a surprise visit from Elisabeth, a romantic interest from the past. The encounter brings back the Jaume of yesterday, turning his monotonous life upside down.
Program break
The Finding (The Finding), Drama, New Zeland, 2021
A teenager's efforts to reconnect with her estranged father forces them to confront a secret in their past.
A Shriek in the Night (A Shriek in the Night), Mystery, Crime, Thriller, Romance, USA, 1933
Pat Morgan and Ted Kord are rival newspaper reporters always trying to outscoop each other. They join together to solve a series of murders being committed in an apartment building.
Yellow Menace (Black Dragons), Thriller, USA, 1942
A cabal of American industrialists, all fifth-columnists intent on sabotaging the war effort, are methodically murdered by the malevolent Monsieur Colomb.
The Smallest Show on Earth (Big Time Operators), Comedy, United Kingdom, 1957
A young couple inherits a debt-ridden old movie theater, appropriately nicknamed "The Flea Pit", and the three eccentric senior citizens who work there.
Blue. (Blue), Drama, USA, 2017
A young girl wakes up one morning to find that she has turned completely blue.
Titus & Mirabella (Titus & Mirabella), Comedy, Germany, Rumunija, 2020
Two people who have never had a relationship before are on their first date together. Both long passionately for a relationship, but this first date is a nuisance for both of them. They try, they really do, but one accident after another occurs and nothing goes according to their expectations.
Hotel Bleu (Hotel Bleu), Comedy, Drama, USA, 2017
A down and out stand-up comedian finds refuge at Hotel Bleu, forging an off-beat partnership with a charismatic trumpet player half her age.
Breath (Ses souffles), Drama, France, 2015
Lizon has just attended her friend Marie's birthday. The friends around the birthday cake, the candles to be blown, the wish to be made amazed her. For her ninth birthday, Lizon wants to have the same thing. A birthday with a cake, candles and her friends, at her home: in the car.
John Wayne Cold Vengeance (The Dawn Rider), Adventure, Drama, Action, Western, USA, 1935
John Wayne burns up the screen in this thrilling tale of vengeance in the Wild West. When his father is gunned down by bandits, John Mason (Wayne) hatches a plot to catch the killer. Little does he know the killer has plans of his own! Featuring a thrilling gun battle with famed Wayne collaborator Yakima Canutt, Cold Vengeance has been beautifully restored and is in color for the very first time.
Rodri (Rodri), Drama, France, Columbia, 2012
Rodrigo hasn't worked in eight years. He'll be 47 soon.
Univitellin (Univitellin), Drama, France, 2016
Marseille, today. Aminata works as a hairdresser in an Afro hairdressing salon, Badara works as mecanich. When they meet, their love story will change their lives.
Africa Screams (Africa Streams), Comedy, Adventure, Action, USA, 1949
Abbott & Costello search for diamonds in Africa, along the way meeting a visually-impaired gunner, a hungry lion, and a tribe of cannibals...
The Terror (The Terror), Thriller, Horror, USA, 1963
A young officer in Napoleon's army pursues a mysterious woman to the castle of an elderly Baron.
Life with Father (Life with Father), Comedy, USA, 1947
A financier from New York rules his numerous family, consisting of his wife and his four sons, with the meticulousness of a bookkeeper.
Bending the Rules (Ghaedeye tasadof), Drama, Iranas, 2013
An enthusiastic and amateur theatrical group finds the opportunity to perform abroad which is a great success. Sheherazad, a desperate girl, joins the group and takes the leading role in the play. She decides, unlike her other fellow actors to tell the truth to her father. He is against this trip. The group is now in a dilemma: replace her or…. "Bending the Rules" is the story of the third generation of the Iranian Revolution that does not want to compromise on their principles and rights with their parents.
John Wayne _ Gold Strike River (The Lucky Texan), Adventure, Drama, Action, Romance, Western, USA, 1934
Jerry Mason (Wayne), a young Texan, and Jake Benson (Hayes), an old rancher, become partners and strike it rich with a gold mine. They then find their lives complicated by bad guys and a woman.
Game Show Dynamos (Game Show Dynamos), Comedy, USA, 2015
Bernard and Claire Boiko won enough money on TV game shows to escape debt and rebuild their lives. From Tic-Tac-Dough in 1956 to Jeopardy in 1967 to Trivial Pursuit in 1993, they competed on national television 28 times -- probably the longest-running record of individual TV game show appearances by husband and wife in the world. Daughter Patricia melds 10 different TV game shows and a snappy soundtrack with vivid motion graphics and vintage footage to paint an intimate portrait of her quirky parents, paradigms of 20th century family life. Yet -- as their poignant romance and ribald experiences reveal the fascinating historical context of their times -- the winning couple also come to be seen as curiously-relatable outsiders to mainstream culture. Themes of love, hardship, and achievement add emotional weight to Bernard's parting words, 'If it's a lucky life, it's mine.' Quick cash and fabulous prizes, the thrill of winning and the lasting joy of this different family make this a wonderful story of dreams unexpectedly fulfilled.
Club Paradise (Sensation Hunters), Drama, Action, Crime, USA, 1945
A naive young girl, looking to escape from a bad family situation, falls in love with a man who turns out to be a cad, and leads her down the road to ruin.
Hoodlum (The Hoodlum), Drama, Crime, USA, 1951
Sociopath criminal masterminds armored car robbery.