Legend Xtra

Legend Xtra

For your daily dose of fear, the award-winning Horror Channel presents independent cinema from around the world, cult classics, gripping series, exclusive interviews with the best genre directors and special events. Zombies, killers, vampires and mysterious happenings are all at home here - from late night frights to chilling daytime series, there's something for everyone who likes their entertainment with bite! Launched in November 2009, Horror Channel in the UK is part of CBS AMC Networks UK Channels Partnership, owned by CBS Studios International and leading broadcaster, AMC Networks International.

United Kingdom

Guida TV - e enjte, 2024-Maj-23

01.05.00. BST
03.00.00. BST
Lust For A Vampire
Put the pleasure back into shopping from the comfort of your home and choose from a selection of innovative products.
09.00.00. BST
Walker, Texas Ranger
Series 3, Episode 10
10.00.00. BST
As Moya flies through a region of space filled with pulsars, a blind alien helps the crew build a cloaking device - but the lights have a strange effect on everyone. S2, Ep4
11.00.00. BST
 Mission: Impossible
Chilling creature feature. When a melting glacier releases a prehistoric dragon, it chooses a remote Alaskan town as its hunting ground, and the residents must fight to stay alive. (2009)
01.00.00. BST
 Torture Garden
Sci-fi thriller with It Follows' Keir Gilchrist. A young hacker and a journalist attempt to eliminate the threat of self-aware computers that are conspiring to wipe out the human race. S1, Ep1(2013)
03.00.00. BST
 Quatermass And The Pit
As Moya flies through a region of space filled with pulsars, a blind alien helps the crew build a cloaking device - but the lights have a strange effect on everyone. S2, Ep4
04.50.00. BST
Gunsmoke 3: To The Last Man
05.00.00. BST
 Legend Lowdown
Exciting extra-terrestrial action. When Martians destroy nearly all of New York City, a pair of sibling astronomers join forces with the military to stop the invading alien army. (2021)
06.00.00. BST
Star Trek - The Original Series
Series 3, Episode 14
07.00.00. BST
 Mission: Impossible
When an old recording implicates Aeryn in a murder on Moya during her time as a Peacekeeper, she remains silent to conceal her past relationship with Verolek. S2, Ep5
08.00.00. BST
Steve Austin investigates why an experimental oil-drilling test site has been sabotaged by the local sheriff and a congressman. S5, Ep19
09.00.00. BST
 Walker, Texas Ranger
Crime drama with Stanley Baker. A gangster hatches a meticulous plot to rob the overnight Royal Mail train from Glasgow with a carefully assembled group of thugs - but things don't go to plan. (1967)
11.15.00. BST
 The Gunman
Horror with Boris Karloff. An elderly scientist and his wife relive their youth by hypnotising a man to obey their every command - with terrifying consequences. (1967)

Guida TV - e premte, 2024-Maj-24

12.50.00. BST
Night Drive (2019)
02.35.00. BST
Horror Express
04.20.00. BST
The Black Torment
09.00.00. BST
Walker, Texas Ranger
Series 3, Episode 11
10.00.00. BST
When an old recording implicates Aeryn in a murder on Moya during her time as a Peacekeeper, she remains silent to conceal her past relationship with Verolek. S2, Ep5
11.00.00. BST
 Mission: Impossible
Exciting extra-terrestrial action. When Martians destroy nearly all of New York City, a pair of sibling astronomers join forces with the military to stop the invading alien army. (2021)
12.50.00. BST
 Gunsmoke 3: To The Last Man
Welcome to LEGEND XTRA - your home for movies and series full of action, adventure, suspense and much more!
01.00.00. BST
 Legend Lowdown
Sci-fi thriller with It Follows' Keir Gilchrist. A young hacker and a journalist attempt to eliminate the threat of self-aware computers that are conspiring to wipe out the human race. S1, Ep2(2013)
03.00.00. BST
 Boot Hill
When an old recording implicates Aeryn in a murder on Moya during her time as a Peacekeeper, she remains silent to conceal her past relationship with Verolek. S2, Ep5
04.50.00. BST
Earth's Final Hours
05.00.00. BST
 Legend Lowdown
Apocalyptic action. After a series of massive solar storms causes widespread destruction, one family must travel through floods, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions to reach safety. (2018)
06.00.00. BST
Star Trek - The Original Series
Series 3, Episode 15
07.00.00. BST
 Mission: Impossible
Chiana is given a mirror that appears to predict the future, which soon brings the crew back into conflict with their old enemy Maldis. S2, Ep6
08.00.00. BST
Steve and Oscar discover that a seemingly innocent group of athletes defecting to the US are in fact a secret assassination squad. S5, Ep20
09.00.00. BST
 Walker, Texas Ranger
Tense thriller with Stephen Dorff. A Secret Service agent is kidnapped by terrorists, who torture him in an attempt to extract classified information about the President's secret bunker. (2012)